Silicon Valley Professional Kris Marquis
Full Scale Media Public Relations Case Study of Silicon Valley Professional, Kris Marquis.

PR Goals
Kris Marquis, a Silicon Valley professional, is the founder of soon-to-be-launched online resource community and mobile application, Genderis, servicing the Transgender community. Marquis has founded with a goal to modernize access to quality care and services, creating a safe place where Transgender children, adults and families can find the resources and support they need in one organized space. Genderis will provide a modern directory of thoroughly vettedphysicians, therapists, estheticians and other practitioners; a full suite of services and professionals in various regions of the United States who are compassionate, knowledgeable and trans-friendly.
Marquis’ main goal for this PR campaign was to obtain advance media coverage in an effort to better position Genderis to receive funding prior to its launch.

Our strategy was to pitch the Genderis to both high authority A-List digital media and to niche LGBT, Tech and urban digital media. We approached our outreach from a human interest meets LGBT meets Silicon Valley perspective, as we felt all of those elements were needed to drive our point home. We made the most of buzz terms like “Transwoman,” “Silicon Valley startup,” “LGBT,” and “Transgender Americans,” to incite interest with the media.
We utilized our contacts across broad news media, human interest media and tech media, while developing a stable of new wonderful contacts within the LGBT community and LGBT media outlets. With the help and insight that our client, Kris Marquis was able to provide, we effectively communicated the need for a resource like Genderis within the transgender community, and the merits of the forthcoming app and website. We also pitched regional outlets with Kris’ story as a transgender woman and entrepreneur living and working in the San Francisco bay area. We scheduled interviews for Marquis to speak with the media about Genderis, and we also scheduled interviews for high profile health professionals who are currently on theGenderisadvisory board.
PR Results
We ran a successful PR campaign which resulted in print and broadcast television features in/on: CNET, DailyDot, Fox News Bay Area, San Jose Times Mercury News, and LGBT Weekly and other comparable outlets. Marquis was also interviewed by CBS News for a feature that will run online coinciding with the launch date of the app.